Exhibit Panels

Panel 1 for Exhibition Poster
( Width: 940 mm x  Height: 2400 mm)

Panel 2 - 10
Sample of the presentation page.
Each panel contain 9 pages (A4)

Each panel contain 9 frames.

All the pages are protected in a 
plastic card case.


The Gimmicks

Lucky visitors to the exhibition will be receiving stamp 
 packs which contained thematic stamps on all 
subject such as Animals, Flora, Fishes, Architecture, 
Personalities etc..
(Each day will be given out 50 packs).

Example of one of the stamp pack.

Some lucky visitors searching for their favourite 
theme pack.

Besides the stamps packs, visitors have a chance to
 collect these NINE DRAGONS covers and post cards 
with special Dragon's postmarks, which will be 
made available on this occasion.

Sample of the autograph cover on Dragon.

From time to time, I will be autographing the covers 

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